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The podcast that explores everything there is to know about working in our 50s, our 60s and beyond

Meet the Host

Hi, I’m Margaret McDonald, a 60-year-old professional who wants to make it perfectly ordinary to say things like, “I’m a 60-year-old professional” — without any awkwardness, cringing or self-conscious quips. I’m also a writer, a podcaster, a late-life career-changer and a new graduate student
(yay, college!).

Most of my working life has been focused on journalism and corporate communications — which makes me, yes, a card-carrying language nerd. I’ve got a thing for style manuals, I can recite all of the helping verbs, and I’m a huge fan of the well-hyphenated compound modifier. And yet… all these highly marketable skills aside, I’m diving into a new career anyway.

Currently I’m studying training and development so I can learn more about teaching and motivating adult learners. And I’m launching the Working Late podcast to explore the thousands of ways people are rocking their careers, starting new ventures, taking on volunteer jobs, and generally satisfying their ongoing quest for purpose, later in life.

If you’re working late — whether you need to, you want to, or you simply feel you have gifts to give — I hope you’ll tune in and join the movement.

And if you have suggestions or questions, or if you’d like to be a guest on the show, I hope you’ll get in touch.

Thanks for visiting. I look forward to Working Late with you.

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